Case Study Three : Inoculation of 3 bottles of grain spawn and 8 sawdust spawn bags

Inoculation : Using G2 spawn of Gray Oyster Mushroom
3 bottles of grain spawn and 8 bags spawn bags : inoculated last 6.14.16
Results : Observation date - 6.16.16 (2 days after transplant)

  • No contamination observed on the 3 bottles of grain spawn and mycelia activity is visibly active after 2 days.

  • No contamination observed so far on the eight bags

  • Mycelia are very active and in the process of colonizing each spawned bags.
So far so good... 100% ! after 2 days.

*Note : Substrate use in sawdust spawn :
5 tabo ng moist sawdust
5 dakot na darak
5 kutsarang asukal na pula
5 lutsarang pininong balat ng itlog(chicken eggshell)

Bags were steamed for 3 hours

Inoculations were done in aseptic condition using mixture of alcohol and zonrox bleach !

More update to come....

Observation date : 6.17.16

The 3 bottle of grain spawn is found visibly contaminated with green mold.

Conclusion : The 3 bottle of grain spawn were steamed or sterilized for more than 24 hours.
***Never use grain spawn sterilized for more than 24 hours again !

Meanwhile the 8 bags of sawdust spawn appears to be free of contamination. Mycelium colonization appear to be very active on the 8 bags.

More update to come



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